Organically Opinionated

Sounding off, fresh from the farm…..I mean computer.

One month. Four weeks. Twenty days. February 1, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 4:24 am

However you look at it, I am about to embark on another turn at the gym.  Please!  Let’s all groan together.  Anyhoo – it’s 4:15 AM and I am dressed to go out in the fahreezing weather and sweat like a pig.  Doesn’t that sound like so much fun.  But I am going to do it . . . with a partner this time!  Yeah for Jane.  My friend Jane and I have children who are in the same class, in fact they sit behind each other in all their classes.  And my Dad and her husband work for the Rome Braves.  We were talking the other day and I told her to call me next time she went to the gym, since going on my own was a bust.  I’ve see where people say (including my own mother) if you have someone to go with, it makes it easier.  So Jane said she would and lo and behold, she called me that night.  She said, “I know this is gonna sound crazy, but do you want to go at 5 AM?”  And before she could say her next sentence, I was like “YES!”  No twisting my arm here.  I know I am crazy, but the couple of people who read this should already know that.  So we put together our game plan and figured we’d just go for a little over an hour and since her husband has to go to Spring Training on the 28th, we are only going to go Monday through Friday from now until the 26th, which is the day before my birthday.  So one month or four weeks or twenty days is what we will be doing and I am wishing and hoping and praying that this time it’ll stick.  So talk about a great way to start the day.  Oh and another thing, I’m gonna try and keep it a secret.  We will see how that goes.  But what will get me through this is what Spencer said to me right before she went to bed,

“Good luck tomorrow.”

*sniff, sniff*


Clue for today . . . Maker’s Mark.


TGIF January 22, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 5:34 am

Clue #3:

Oh. My. Gosh.  I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad it’s Friday.  I honestly don’t know why, but I am just glad.  This has been a long week and honestly it was just a 4 day week.  Sheesh.  I have a lot to do this weekend regarding homework.  I just looked at my classes this quarter and they are somewhat a metaphor of myself right now.

Into to Theatre
Abnormal Psychology
Stress Management

Alanis:  Isn’t it ironic?
Priscilla:  Don’t you think?

A big shout out to my baby brother for winning a shining star at his place of work.  Hands up for Marty!  He so rightfully deserves it.  Should be running the damn place if you ask me.  And give another shout out to my girl scout troop.  They turned in their cookie pre-orders today.  Who knew selling cookies could be so stressful.  Thus why they earned the stress badge today.  Still taking orders if you have a hankering for them delicious cookies.  Only $3.50 a box!

Peace out fellow people . . .



The Secret Word Is: January 20, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 5:11 am

I’m gonna give a shout out to one of my favorite people from my childhood – Pee Wee Herman.  Who did not love Pee Wee’s Playhouse or Pee Wee’s Big Adventure growing up?  He is truly one of a kind!  Remember how Pee Wee would always have a secret word?  Well, I hope he doesn’t mind . . . but I am going to “borrow” his secret word idea and incorporate it into my own personal secret.  At each blog I do, I will list one word that is a clue to my secret.  Today is day 99.  98 more clues to go . . . WOW!  That’s a lot of clues.  If anyone figures it out my secret in advance (#pleasedontruinsurprise), I will personally make them a basket of my world famous partymix.

Today’s clue is:




100 Days January 19, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 6:21 pm

Greetings to you all!  I have apparently flaked on my commitment to blogging everyday for the New Year.  Well, I’ll just have to do the best I can and get up, dust off my shoulders, and start over.  So here goes!

As of Monday – January 18 – I have given up sodas . . . until at least my birthday (which is in 39 days, but who’s counting) .  Yesterday was a tornado in the world of #singlemommyhood.  But I did not waiver, even though there is a Coke (glass bottle, I might add) sitting next to my microwave staring at me and saying “drink me.”  But I have to persevere and say no!  The goal was to go back to the gym too (for New Years and Monday), but let’s not get ahead of ourself.  It’s nice to know that even though I can’t be committed or consistent with certain things, my ADHD is consistent and committed in not letting me follow through with my goals.  Bastard.  🙂

So I am sitting here eating my ice cream topped with magic shell and I’d like to invite you to play a little game.  I have a secret and no one, except my mother, brother, and hairdresser know.  It’s not of the typical fancy – I’m not pregnant, I’m dating anyone, or do I have a new job.  It’s of the fun, variety sense – an adventure of sorts.  So in 100 days – you will find out the answer to my secret.  Each time I blog, I will start off with (1) word, a.k.a. a clue,  and if you follow along, perhaps you will figure out the mystery before the 100 days.  But in all honesty, it will be very hard to keep my trap shut, since keeping secrets is not my forte.  Although in my defense, I have gotten better with age.

So ready for that clue?  Well here it is . . . . .  “The Sign of the Green Tree.”




Twitter Me This January 6, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 8:39 pm

So I have missed a couple of days.  Boo hoo.  I hate I flaked on my commitment, but the past few days were hectic.  I had to start school on Monday and Spencer started back Tuesday.  We also had to travel back to Rome from Macon after being gone for almost three weeks.  So me, the kid, two dogs, extra stuff left the Conga at 4:19 AM on Tuesday and headed up I-75 South in the fahreezing cold!  Anyhoo, back now and somewhat settled.  Supposedly we are to get snow tomorrow.  People are kind of freaking out.  After-school activities are being canceled, we’re on alert as to whether actual school will be canceled.  I’m kind of glad I live in a state where you say the word “snow” and everyone is all “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.”  Yeah, people in Seattle are like that too.  Macon and Seattle have this in common – say the word SNOW – and all the grocery store shelves become bare and the gas stations fill up while the pumps fill down.  Why is it gas stations become so happening during possible snowstorms.  Not like anyone can go anywhere.  Black ice people, hello?

Ok, so another reason why I haven’t blogged is because of my new obsession . . .  Twitter And I am talking this is full on lust, oh my gawd, this is the most exciting thing EVAH.  Yeah, I’ve got no life.  Ha ha!  No, it’s really a lot of fun.  I’ve been on Twitter for awhile, I just wasn’t into it that much a.k.a. I didn’t know how it worked.  Well, I now know somewhat how it works and am getting the hang of it.  It’s celebrity driven, but there are regular folk like you and me on there.  It’s interesting how you can strike up a conversation with certain people and see what you have in common.  You’re free to “follow” anyone (unless they protect their tweets) and if you’re lucky, they’ll add you back.  Which is the polite thing to do.  You should try it and once you get the hang of it, you’ll be tweeting Twitter’s praises in no time!



Bass Ackwards January 2, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 11:49 pm

Ugghh . . . day 2 of the new year and my sleep schedule, not to mention my offspring’s as well, is totally flipped.  I am gonna blame it on the full/blue moon.  Which is beautiful by the way.  I am going to go outside in a moment to take a few pics.  I took some this AM when we went to J. Christopher’s for breakfast.  I just got a giggle while rereading what I just wrote and am amazed at the obvious of ADHD at it’s finest.  One moment it’s sleep patterns, another moment it’s the moon.  I guess I am supposed to roll with it.

Being the infinite-tasking gal that I am . . . I am gung ho about some Twitter.  At first I was like, “what is the fuss?”  But now, I may be getting into the swing of it.  I don’t think I’m totally down with it, but give me a few days.  We shall see.  It is a neat concept to be able to communicate via tweets to people (a.k.a. celebrities).  I mean c’mon . . . isn’t the real reason people primarily use Twitter is to communicate with the likes of John Mayer, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, etc.  It’s ironic to me that most people don’t protect their tweets on Twitter, but they majorly lockdown their Facebook info.  Anyhoo, I think it’s cool that celebrities use it to talk with us regular folk, it’s just boggling that some morons are rude and degrading to some celebrities.  For example, some jerk off was blatantly rude to Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey.  And the things he said to her were disgusting.  Why people even think it’s okay to talk like that is beyond me.  Get your head checked out buddy.

Another good thing about the new year is Facebook giving me the opportunity to catch up with an old family friend.  This person was so special to me and my family and getting in touch with him was like no time had passed.  He was the one who loaned me his car to take my driver’s license exam – which will be 20 years ago come this February 27.  My how time flies.  Moments like this is when I love Facebook’s purpose.

So we will be heading back to Rome either tomorrow or Monday or possible in the wee hours of Tuesday.  I have had such a great time at Mom’s.  I start back to school Monday, Spencer goes back to school Tuesday which also means I start back to the gym.  I am not intending to go into this with the goal of losing all my weight.  My intentions are just to incorporate the gym into my daily life because it’s something that should be done.  I want to go to the gym as if it’s something I like to do, not something I have to do.  Know what I mean?



Out with the old, and in with the new January 1, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 11:37 pm

What a year 2009 has been.  Looking back it didn’t seem all that crazy, but when I sit down – peach margarita in hand – and think what all went on, I am a little overwhelmed I managed to survive.  What’s even more crazy is that a whole decade is over.  I can’t believe that!  Where does the time really go?

I am not much of a resolution person during the New Year, but did come across a few I felt that were realistic and beneficial.  I am going to make a conscious effort to get back to blogging.  Watching the move “Julie & Julia” over the holidays has inspired me.  It has inspired me as well to not be so lost – a feeling I feel quite so often.  So even though I am finishing up my Associate’s Degree this year (I’m on the 10 year plan for the 2 year degree), I am heavily thinking of going to the vocational school in Rome to learn a skill.  My other resolutions I have made are simple, yet so important.  The first (which I began before the New Year) is texting while driving.  It seems rather hypocritical of me to say “don’t drink and drive” when I have (notice have as in past tense) texted while driving.  So that is done, no more of that.  “I’m a safety girl!”  Anyone tell me what movie that’s from??  My second resolution is to go to the gym on a more realistic/consistent basis.  At least until my birthday.  Since being diagnosed with adult ADHD this year, I have realized that this is what inhibits my ability to follow through with things, so at the recommendation of an article I read, I have to take steps (baby steps it seems) in order to follow through.  So no more 3 hours, 2 times a day spells at the gym trying to be Wonder Woman and burn myself out in a week.  I’ll go for no more than 2 hours after I take Spencer to school.  So definitely stay tuned.


Missed the ball February 12, 2009

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 11:28 pm

In lieu of the recent peanut butter scandal, I have been more of an observer rather than a spectator.  We don’t eat a lot of peanut butter in our house or have peanuts around unless I am making partymix.  I don’t ever buy the mainstream brands – although I am a sucker for some Jif – because it’s usually made with trans fats.  If and when we buy peanut butter, we get it from Harry’s in Marietta in the honey roasted self-serving kind.  It grinds the peanuts right in front of you and my daughter, Spencer, always likes to “accidentally” let some drop before so she can have a sampling.  But something caught my eye the other day – I happen to be reading an article about the peanut butter salmonella situation and it provided a link to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) website  listing all products that were being recalled.  Not really thinking I’d see anything on that list we eat, but I was still curious about all the products that were having to be pulled from the shelves and destroyed.  Well, was I ever in for a surprise.  That peanut butter I buy and feed my family – on the list.  I was shocked.  Here is where my snobiness comes into play.  I said to myself – how could Whole Foods (they own Harry’s) buy from a company that made such mediocre products, that were loaded with horrible ingredients and now possibly contaminated with salmonella.  I hold Whole Foods up to high standard because the majority of their products are organic, better quality ingredients, and overall better for you.  Then as I kept studying the list, I ran into an item that was in my cabinet.  Kashi Trail Mix cookies.  They don’t have peanut butter in them, but they are made in a facility where peanuts are processed to make other items.  I sat in disbelief until I compared the UPC numbers and there it was.  A couple of weeks ago, I had eaten a  product that was not immune from this matter.  Kashi’s products are one of my favorites and I get them from the organic/natural food section of my grocery store – simple ingredients, not a lot of calories, high fiber content – but let’s face it – they are still proccess food.  If it looks like a duck or walks like a duck, it’s still a duck.  I know the cookies are fine, but what if I never took the time to inform myself.  These things happen I believe to get us going, to make us aware, for us to take responsibility in what goes in our bodies and our family’s bodies.  Educate yourself people.  Read more, learn more – ask questions.  Discover what is in your food you serve.  Knowledge is power.

I implore you to check out the FDA list – you never know if something you have in your pantry could be on it.


Yum-o Indeed! January 29, 2009

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 2:28 pm

I was looking through a copy of one of Rachael Ray’s book, Yum-o! The Family Cookbook, and was pleasantly surprised at what was in it.  She had recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the ingredients involved were fresh vegetables, whole-wheat pastas and breads, fruits, etc.  This was a cookbook I felt should have been on Oprah this week, rather than Eat This, Not That for Kids.   I know that the point the author of ETNT was trying to make was if you are gonna get your kid fast food or quick food for dinner at home, compare these two, because one is better than the other.  But in all honestly, how much of a difference does 200 mg of sodium really make.  Rachael talks in her cookbook about the same things families all over this country concur – fresh fruits and veggies are uber expensive now and their budget doesn’t allow it sometimes.  But I think too it’s education and although our intent was to utilize the food pyramid to its fullest potential, somewhere along the lines the water got murky and we feed our children processed food that is time and cost effective, but it’s something they (and us) do not need.  I am going to plant one item starting in the next month or so.  I see things in my life taking a backwards turn for the good and I am desperately trying to ween myself off of foods that are made with unnecessary ingredients.  I’d give anything if I could plant a full scale garden with fresh fruits, and make homemade pasta, bread.  I can’t imagine the results.  If people would try one new thing – whole-wheat bread, a new fruit, veggies with a dip – I think a wave of change would take place.  I better than anyone know how hard it is to change eating habits, but perhaps when you dig a little deeper, read a little more, discover what is out there, then the wheels will start turning and things will happen on it’s own.


Epiphany January 26, 2009

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 6:35 pm

I went to the gym today anticipating doing both kickboxing and yoga classes – back to back.  This is the epitome of how I think – no task is too big.  Yeah, right!  I hate exercising – well, let me rephrase that – I don’t “get” exercising.  Only because I never did it growing up and when I had to do it, it was forced upon.  As an adult, my mentality is WAY stronger than my willpower and when I think exercising, I think f*** you!  But now that I am getting older, I don’t want to continue carrying all this weight that has been with me all my life – I want to be healthy and happy.  And you can only eat healthy so much, you have to put forth the effort to move the weight out of here.  The class was relatively small, no pressure;  the instructor was pumped.  And we started and oh boy, I was in HELL!  And I realized how uncoordinated I am – white girl can’t dance.  🙂  But it didn’t matter, I was moving and was actually feelin’ the burn.  But when I went to get some water fifteen minutes in, it hit me like an anvil – I got mad and eventualy said to myself, “self – in order to be healthy, I will have to do this more often, and come to classes like this until all this weight is gone” and I thought about all the biscuits, chicken fingers, sodas, cookies, pasta, fast food I had eaten all my life and was really angry at them.  But what I was really angry at was myself.  I just couldn’t fathom doing it anymore – eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  Filling myself up with voided food that had no purpose but to calm my inner brat if only for a few moments.  You have to get to the point where you say enough is enough. 

I returned to the class and worked out for forty-five minutes, until it was time for yoga.  If you have never done yoga, I implore you to try it.  It isn’t for everyone and it’s something you have to be patient with, but it does work.  It was a crowded class, but it allowed me to get centered and calm and I needed that especially after being so pumped at kickboxing.  Once yoga was done, I hobbled to my car and drove home.  I reminded myself to set aside time for Oprah today because she was doing a two-part series on teens who are overweight and how it has become an epidemic.  Once on, one of the first things she said was how it is so bad, that teenagers today may not outlive their parents.  Whoa!  Those are some deep words.  I watched the show and identified with every kid standing there.  I remember being teased as a child incessantly and no one really did anything substantial about it.  I think the excuse “kids being kids” is overrated and has been our “Hail Mary” pass for too long.   Kids are mean because they learn it – whether it’s from their parents, friends, TV, movies, books – and they think it’s cute to act this way when they do not understand the ramifications of their actions.  And I know that parents can’t monitor kids every waking moment, but perhaps when they look at themselves and see if they are contributing to their kids obnoxious behaviour, perhaps they’ll have an “a-ha” moment and see where the root is.  It is not cool to make fun of anyone, children especially. 

While watching Oprah, I shed a few tears.  I was so proud of those kids (who don’t know me from Adam).  The courage they had to get up there and talk  about their feelings was amazing, and inspiring.  I love how Oprah said “all kids want are their parents.”  That’s it.  And it’s so true.  We are such a society that is always “on the go” and “I need this, I need that”, so we put all this pressure and demand on ourselves, and we let slip our most precious things – our kids.  Our priorities have shifted big time and we need to take control, be pro-active and say “no more.”   Seriously – when you or your family are faced with crisis, who is going to hold your hand – inanimate objects or your kid?